Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The Mega Teledramas in Sri Lanka

In Sri Lanka I see the television channels as the useless source of entertainment.Specially its because of the series of mega teledramas which in every channels.Normally it takes half an hour to one and there are several for a day.
Its important to say that these teledramas are very popular and attached to the peoples' lives.Most people surely watch it otherwise they try  to listen the today's story by other fans if they couldn't watch it.The small kids stop their playing while those teledramas on the TV.
I mean mega teledrams are fantasies and imagining visuals.It's a time wasting activity for entire nation.
In the scene loving beautiful girls ,women and rich men with unbelievable face make ups trying hardly to make their role artificial to natural.But they can't.Why?
Because they are not real.
I agree that that there are good mega teledramas actually trying teach something important and convey a valued message to the society.
The quality of the purpose of  a teledrama should be high.Let's think different.
Now you can imagine.First take a fancy mega teledrama and watch some .They think when those characters in the scene are very poor people. You can see extraordinary barren and bored  feeling.
There isn't ant story yet without MONEY.MONEY MAKES FANTASIES.
The foundation of these teledramas ,as the aspect of the nature of it is money and power.THINK.
Without it there isn't story inside the teledrama. Useless popular teledrama change people lifestyle and expectations badly.It should not be happened .
Every mega or any teledrama on TV should give values and useful entertainment to the nation.

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